At least one of them is a juvenile, not sure about the other because of the
angles of the shots. But they are great photos. I and Darren Murphy studied
the physiological ecology of Spinifexbirds on Barrow Island from 1990 to 1993.
There were two breeding responses among the Barrow Island population of
Spinifexbirds - the usual spring breeding period (seasonal breeding) and after
summer cyclonic rains (opportunistic breeding).
Ambrose, S. J., and D. P. Murphy. 1994. Synchronous breeding of land birds on
Barrow Island, Western Australia, after cyclonic summer rains. Emu 94:55-58.
Since it has been a relatively wet summer in the Pilbara, it is not
unreasonable to expect juvenile Spinifexbirds to be present at this time.
Nikolas (or anyone else), do you have any references that lumps Emeriornis into
Megalurus? I know that Christidis & Boles were considering this but in the end
they still separated the two genera. I'm not aware of any published studies on
this issue since then and, if there have been, I'd like to know about hem.
Stephen Ambrose
Ryde NSW
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Nikolas Haass
Sent: Friday, 22 March 2013 7:07 PM
To: martin cachard; Chris Shaw; birding-aus threads
Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Eremiornis carteri Or Not
I agree with the ID - Megalurus carteri. The tail is a bit short (but
big-tailed enough to make it mega (big) urus (tail)) and the gape pale - are
they juv. Spinifexbirds?
Nikolas Haass
Sydney, NSW
From: martin cachard <>
To: Chris Shaw <>; birding-aus threads
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Eremiornis carteri Or Not
Hi Chris,
yes your first thought is correct, they are indeed Spinifexbirds!!
Martin Cachard
0428 782 808
> From:
> Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 18:37:37 +1030
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Eremiornis carteri Or Not
> I saw two birds in a shrub… actually in two shrubs and I reckon they are
> Spinifexbirds. And seeing there are legions of more knowledgable Spinifexbird
> people than mois… Anyway they're on my blog.
> Chris Shaw
> Mobile 0409 675912
> My blog - "Top Birds and Everyfing" can be found on the following link
> “Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki
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