Hi Jill,
We're doing a similar trip in March.
At this stage we plan to take 'Birds of Chile including Antarctic Penin, the
Falkland Is and South Georgia.' Jaramillo A., Burke, P. And Beadle D.
2003. This is published by Helm Field Guides and is of their usual
standard. Approx 240 pages so quite manageable in the field. It has a
separate section for the Sub-Antarctic island specialities.
We'll also take Birds of Argentina and Uruguay by Tito Narosky & Dario
Yzurieta. This book also covers the Sub-Antarctic Islands and the
Peninsula. I would only recommend this book if you plan to spend time in
Argentina. The pictures are not all that good although one gets used to the
style, and the index is in alphabetical order of common name so all the
'yellow' birds are listed together, etc. Not much use if you want to
quickly find 'tern' for example unless you look for say 'Black Tern'.
We're still looking for something suitable for mammals.
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