Hi Michael,
While some Golden Whistlers in New South Wales may be altitudinal migrants
the majority of birds that I band on the NSW North Coast in the
autumn-winter are from Tasmania - based on tail-wing ratios per Schodde and
Mason - the Directory of Australian Birds, Passerines.
Dr Greg. P. Clancy
Ecologist and Birding-wildlife Guide
PO Box 63 Coutts Crossing NSW 2460
0266493153 0429601960
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Hunter
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 11:36 AM
Subject: Out of season Golden Whistler
Hi All.
Golden Whistlers are common in Mulgoa Valley in winter, and Rufous
Whistlers in Summer, the changeover usually occurs in Sept/Oct.. Rufous
have been present for at least a month.
Yesterday a male Golden Whistler in full breeding plumage was
seen on Mayfair Rd Mulgoa, as well as two Rufous which were about 100m above
and below the Golden on the Mayfair Rd hill. The Rufous were whistling. The
Golden was being chased by an unidentified honeyeater and gave a brief
whistle only. Goldens are altitudinal migrants, perhaps the unusual
weather confused it. It snowed in the mountains a week ago.
There has been some good birding, lots of song. Scarlet
Honeyeaters, Mistletoe birds, White-throated Gerygones, Golden-headed
Cisticolas, Jacky Winters (one feeding a fledgling) and European Goldfinches
all singing, as well as Koels and Channel-billed Cuckoos, Whipbirds and
Sacred Kingfishers calling. The resident group of Dusky Woodswallows flying
very high before the wind.
Notably absent so far have been Olive-backed Oriole and Eastern
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