Hi Brendan
If you're out there can you please reply directly to me, off list? Have
a couple of questions re the Little Curlew at Amberley.
Or if anyone else can assist - where exactly on the airfield is the
^%$#%^& bird?
4 th visit this morning and still no luck - we were at Behm's Rd - is
that where it is generally seen from or some other viewing spot around
the airfield? Is it generally seen early in the morning or at some other
time during the day? Is it usually down in one of the ditches or
striding purposefully around the lawn - until C Reid turns up when it
scurries into the undergrowth with a snarky look on its face watching
until it sees my car disappear into the distance and it is safe to
emerge again...........
Yours in hope and persistence...........
Colin Reid
So many birds, so little time......
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