Sat 16 Jun
Black-browed Albatross
Southport Pelagic - off the shelf
5 or 6 birds today. Here are 3 imm. birds with Cape Petrels
Rob Morris (and all on board inc. Paul Walbridge)
Wandering Albatross
Southport Pelagic - off the shelf
1+ as well as several Gibson's today off the shelve. A scarce winter / spring visitor to Qld waters.
Rob Morris (and all on board inc. Paul Walbridge)
Cape Petrel
Southport Pelagic - off the shelf
4 or 5 of these scarce but regular southern visitors today.
Rob Morris (and all on board inc. Paul Walbridge)
Grey-faced (Great-winged) Petrel 100+
Southport Pelagic - off the shelf
Record nos. today for Southport
Rob Morris (and all on board inc. Paul Walbridge)
White-headed Petrel
Southport Pelagic - off the shelf
3rd Southport record
Rob Morris (and all on board inc. Paul Walbridge)
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross
Southport Pelagic - off the shelf
The highlights of yesterday's Southport trip were 2 or 3 Light-mantled Sooty Albatrosses (1st for Southport). The 3rd bird is still under review (a strange looking young bird (to be confirmed). The photo is of a sub-adult. Other species seen included Wandering 1+ and Gibson's Albatrosses 4-5, 5-6 Black-browed Albatrosses, 1 White-headed Petrel (3rd for Southport), record nos. of Grey-faced Petrels for Southport (100+), 60+ Providence, 5+ Cape and 1 Nothern Giant Petrel, 5-6 Fairy Prions, Fluttering Shearwater, Wilson's Storm Petrels, Common Noddys + other common species
These are my estimates - Paul will be providing a full report later in the week on Birding Aus.
Rob Morris (and all on board inc. Paul Walbridge)
White-headed Petrel
Off Gold Coast
Single bird seen on June Pelagic
-27.937, 153.966 (approx)
Paul Walbridge, Rob Morris, Tom Tarrant et al
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross
Off Gold Coast
2 ( or possibly 3) birds seen on June Pelagic (one may have been a Sooty, still awaiting ID confirmation)
Paul Walbridge, Rob Morris, Tom Tarrant et al
Fri 15 Jun
Barn Owl
Canterbury College, Waterford West
Barn Owl (1) Single bird seen in the tree between P and K blocks. Photo taken for ID
Tim and Marg Roberts
Tue 12 Jun
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross
Fraser Island
2 live birds found and taken into care. 1 has died. A third bird not yet confirmed as Sooty or Light-mantled.
The birds were found following this low pressure system. Not 100% sure of dates.
Rob Morris from Paul Walbridge & Dave Stewart
Mon 11 Jun
Wandering Tattler
Alexandra Headlands, Sunshine Coast
Wandering Tattler: Two seen on rocks immediately below stairs from carpark to beach. Rising tide pushed them south towards lighthouse, but then they headed back to the north and to the rocks where we originally saw them.
Paul Dodd & Ruth Woodrow
Black-breasted Button-quail, Osprey
Inskip Point
Black-breasted Button-quail: Two seen within two minutes of entering scrub from northern most carpark (just before sand track to Fraser Island barge).
Osprey: Seen trying to chase off a White-bellied Sea-eagle!
Paul Dodd & Ruth Woodrow
Northern Giant Petrel
Point Lookout, North Stradbroke Island
At least 4 Giant Petrels today. The 2 that came close were both Northern. Excuse the poor photos all taken from the cliffs in rain and 30-40kt winds!
Rob Morris, Colin Reid, Andy Jensen, Stuart Pickering and Paul Walbridge
Grey-faced (Great-winged) Petrel 30-40
Point Lookout, North Stradbroke Island
all the birds which came close enough to ID were gouldi. This is a very high count of this scarce species in Qld. Macoptera is very rare in Qld - we had the first record in June 2011, so it is likely these were all gouldi. We also had 4 Providence Petrels, 2+ Northern Giant Petrels, 1 Wilson's Storm Petrel, 1 Fairy Prion + prions sps, 2 Sooty (rare in Qld), 50+ Fluttering, a few Huttons and an immature Black-browed Albatross + 60+ Common Noddys, 1 Pom and 2 Arctic Jaegers
Rob Morris, Colin Reid, Andy Jensen, Stuart Pickering and Paul Walbridge
Australasian Gannet
Point Lookout, North Stradbroke Island
Good nos. of adults today c.40-50. Check out the fish this one just caught!
Rob Morris, Colin Reid, Andy Jensen, Stuart Pickering and Paul Walbridge)
Sun 10 Jun
Albert's Lyrebird
Witches Falls National Park
Albert's Lyrebird Several birds heard, one seen clearly about 10m from track for about five minutes.
Paul Dodd, Ruth Woodrow & Carl Billingham
Grey Goshawk
Gold Creek Reservoir area
Grey Goshawk: Grey morph - near end of Savages Road - not surprising there were few birds and no bush-hens there!
Paul Dodd, Ruth Woodrow & Carl Billingham
Northern Giant Petrels, Black-browed Albatross & Providence Petrels
North Stradbroke Island
N Giant Petrels (min 2, poss 4), Black-browed Albatross (1) < and Providence Petrels (3) All >, excellent views down to 300 meters.
Colin Reid
Sat 9 Jun
Rufous Scrub-bird
Binna Burra, Lamington National Park
Rufous Scrub-bird Three birds heard on Coomera Circuit Track - one at rocky outcrop 5km from carpark, two at grassy spot about 500m closer to carpark. One bird seen well (approx 5 seconds).
Paul Dodd & Ruth Woodrow