There is a Hokkien Chinese word, kiasu, which means "fear of losing or missing
out". There are,unfortunately, bird photographers on the Thai-Malaysian
peninsula who have very high kiasu levels. I have seen bird photographers
behaving in such a manner on the Thai-M/sia pen., that I have, at times, made
me so mad that I have felt like inserting their long lenses into their
alimentary tract retrogradely.
As for the playing calls for hours, I think that is desperation, not technique.
Carl Clifford
Sent from my iPad
On 04/06/2012, at 17:41, Peter Shute <> wrote:
> "Climate change
> and disturbance in the park are affecting the pitta in a bad way,
> photographers are the main culprits with numerous photographers and
> videographers setting up hides and playing Gurney's Pitta calls all day
> long. It seems they only care about getting the perfect photo, not the
> bird's welfare! Most (not all) of the recent photos and Youtube videos have
> been obtained this way. We saw one of these guys in a hide at another park
> trying to get Blue Pitta photos, playing the call for hours!"
> So playing the call for hours does work? If the bird doesn't respond for that
> long, is it really responding, or just happened to turn up?
> And why would someone be so desperate to get a photo? Are Gurney's Pitta
> photos valuable?
> Peter Shute
> --------------------------
> Sent using BlackBerry