Birdline ACT
Published sightings for the week ending 20 May 2012.
Sun 20 May
Barn Owl
Magpies Golf Club, Holt, 14th Hole
Barn Owl was spotted being chased by several birds of many other species (mostly magpies & currawongs). Flew into the side of a house but recovered and flew away still being pursued.
Bronwyn Vickers
Thu 17 May
Swift Parrot
Garran 1' cell
A single Swift Parrot flew south past the Garran shops this morning at about 0630, calling.
Alastair Smith
Red-browed Treecreeper
Section 191 Coastal Rainforest
I have never seen RBTCs in the ACT except at Tidbinbilla and Wark's Road. Identified by appearance and call (high trill). Adult male.
Also Rose Robin, pair at Section 124
John Leonard
Wed 16 May
Spotted Harrier
Stromlo Forest Park
Quartering over grassland around 2pm. Crossed road and headed north towards Molonglo.
John Leonard
Mon 14 May
Diamond Dove
Mount Painter
A single Diamond Dove observed in the horse paddocks where previously reported.
Alastair Smith
Collared Sparrowhawk
O'Connor Ridge Nature Reserve
Collared Sparrowhawk (1) Circling low overhead
Ray Comer
| Birdline ACT is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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