Birdline Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 22 Apr 2012.
Sat 21 Apr
Flock Bronzewing
100 km South of Hughenden, Queensland
This morning between 8.00 am and 9.00 am numerous Flock Bronzewing, male, female and immature concentrated around dam at Vellum, 300 metres south of homestead track and adjacent to the highway (current roadwork activity did not seem to phase the flocks). Birds were in small flocks, occasionally singles, largest about 25, coming in to the dam to drink. Some landed in grass nearby. Flocks coming and departing frequently, very hard to estimate overall numbers but probably several hundred over the hour. Additional flocks sighted north to a point 80 km south of Hughenden. First reported two weeks ago, the flocks are still very active in this area.
Peter Valentine
Mon 16 Apr
South Polar Skua
Bremer Bay , Western Australia
Stewart Ford and I made the trip to Bremer Bay yesterday afternoon, arriving around 4:30pm. We did a seawatch from the fisheries harbour at the end of Swarbrick Rd. The South Polar Skua was seen about an hour later, flying quite close to shore, before landing in the water several times. The pale head was very obvious. A Brown Skua landed beside the South Polar, and was noticeably larger, with a darker brown head.
Nigel Jackett and Stewart Ford per BirdsWA
Fri 13 Apr
New Zealand Storm- Petrel, White-tailed Tropicbird
Southport Sea Mounts Trip 13 and 16th April 2012, Queensland
Listed below are the species, with totals for the two days and only of the species sighted out on the Sea Mounts.
Red-tailed Tropicbird * 1, White-tailed Tropicbird * 1,
Wilson*s Storm-Petrel * 63,
New Zealand Storm- Petrel * c.10,
White-faced Storm-Petrel * 5,
Black-bellied Storm-Petrel * 1,
White-bellied Storm-Petrel * 1,
Wandering Albatross (all considered gibsoni) * 4, Wedge-tailed Shearwater * 11, Flesh-footed Shearwater * 231, Short-tailed Shearwater * 8, Tahiti Petrel * 3, Kermadec Petrel * 29, Great-winged Petrel * 247, Providence Petrel * 67, Gould*s Petrel * 54, White-necked Petrel * 11, Pomarine Jaeger * 3, Arctic Jaeger * 1, White Tern * 4, Sooty Tern * 3, Common Noddy * 1.
Per Paul Walbridge
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