Hi Ian,
The folk at the Alas of Living Australia (ALA) are quite happy to receive
feed-back or reports of problems with their database or app. Their contacts can
be found at http://www.ala.org.au/about-the-atlas/contact-us/.
Carl Clifford
Sent from my iPad
On 13/04/2012, at 12:37, "" <> wrote:
> It would be good to know from where the data for this are being derived as
> there are some anomalies. I have just tried it and looking at birds in my
> local area it includes "Australian Wild Duck" (Anas superciliosa) and "Black
> Teal" (Anas castanea). Not sure where these common names came from.
> Also includes both Common Myna (Sturnus tristis) and Indian Mynah
> (Acridotheres tristis) in the same list which indicates lack of coordination
> of nomenclature.
> These may be minor (excuse pun) issues with an otherwise helpful resource but
> may also indicate wider issues for taxa with which I am far less familiar and
> would not necessarily detect such repetitions/errors.
> There are also probably another 20-30 species not inlcuded in the list that
> are relatively common in the area but I note that even the most common
> species are only accounted for by a handful of occusrences so the database
> must be very light on entries.
> That said, as a "work-in-progress" this app shows some potential and you
> can't complain about the price.
> Ian
>> On 12 April 2012 13:14, Carl Clifford<> wrote:
>> Dear B-A,
>> Last year I posted about the Atlas of Living Australia project. The good
>> folk at the ALA project have now released an app for iPad etc., called
>> OzAtlas which allows you to call up information on a large percentage of
>> Australia's Flora& Fauna. One feature I like is that you can call up a
>> listing of those species that have been recorded in an area. The App is an
>> on going project, and allows you to enter your own sightings and so help the
>> App. grow. Oh, and the price is pretty good, it is free.
>> Cheers,
>> Carl Clifford
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