My experience with publishers is that they seem to know almost nothing. To
accept and understand the capitalisation covention for species names you
have to have a concept of a species, and most people simply don't have
that, especially not publishers.
John Leonard
On 10 April 2012 15:50, Richard Nowotny <> wrote:
> Interestingly Phillip I wasn't actually trying to make a point. I'm
> genuinely interested in the origins of what is indeed an accepted/required
> "convention" in much of the publishing world, decided by people who
> presumably are neither lazy nor stupid, and presumably for a reason (or
> reasons) which they consider to be sound - and which presumably they
> consider outweigh the fairly obvious downsides of using this
> non-capitilising convention. But what are these reasons? R.
> I agree entirely on your point. However I think it overly generous of you
> to
> refer to this trend of ignoring the intelligence behind capitalisation as a
> "convention". It is hardly deserving of that title. Unless you care to call
> laziness and stupidity a "convention". Is it anything other than laziness
> and stupidity?
> Philip Veerman
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