Hi all
Whilst driving south of Broome over the weekend
Chris Hassell Nick Ward etal were driving along when they noticed a Brown
Falcon take flight off the side of the road carrying a medium sized bird with
long legs.
The bird circled and landed behind them just off the road. They reversed the
car and the Falcon again took flight leaving the prey on the ground.
The prey turned out to be a very freshly killed Adult Male Cinnamon Bittern.
The bird was taken back home and will be sent to the Museum.
Its a great specimen and is the first mainland Australian record.
And before yet another debate starts up on how this bird made it to Australian
yes we are aware that it has clearly been Brown Falcon assisted.
Photos of the dead bittern can be found at the below link along with a few
photos of a live bird photographed last year on Christmas Island.
Cheers Adrian Boyle
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