Sheena Gillman, Volunteer Coordinator of EBB Northern Recovery has asked for
this reply to be posted.
Further to Greg Roberts comments on the northern-most population of Eastern
Bristlebird on 13/11/11;
Dr David Stewart and Dr Rowena Thomas from DERM and myself as EBB Volunteer
Coordinator (since 1999) surveyed the sites where EBB were recorded by
Dez Wells et al, during IBA surveys in September. Unfortunately EBB were not
found and it is reasonable to expect they would be located with six birders
quietly spread throughout the habitat areas where the birds were seen and
heard. At this time of year paired birds would most likely be present in a
territory and may respond to playback. However, they also go to ground during
breeding and may not call. Tawny Grass Birds were present at all sites and we
know from past experience that they may cause confusion with EBB. Very few
people experience a sufficient number of sightings to be familiar with the giss
of this species. John Young last reported one EBB present in the Conondales in
the summer of 2008.
The Recovery Group welcomes any suspected presence of EBB – it is essential
birders are not reluctant to report a potential sighting. However, the sighting
of any such critical species must be validated as soon as possible.
Volunteering for EBB is tough; steep hillsides at altitude, wading through
complex grasses with fallen timber, rocky outcrops
and ticks to boot is not most people’s idea of a pleasant days bird watching.
So my gratitude as ever to those that bother to be involved, we certainly need
more capable volunteers.
Essentially any birder finding EBB should keep the location confidential and
report the sighting as soon as possible to Dr Stewart
or a member of the DERM team or to myself at;
We have in the past missed confirming the presence
of EBB because sighting information was not reported appropriately.
Members of The National Recovery Team are working hard for EBB – the issues are
complex. Management of feral species and weeds is ongoing not only on Parks but
in private properties.
With accumulated knowledge, I am confident this following year will deliver
some pleasant surprises, however, mitigating against the further demise of
ground dwelling birds is a complex issue. Critical deliberations are taking
place around how best to manage future recovery actions.
Sheena Gillman | Volunteer Coordinator| EBB Northern Recovery
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