
RFI: plumage description for juvenile White-browed/Buff-sided Robin??

Subject: RFI: plumage description for juvenile White-browed/Buff-sided Robin??
From: Lawrie Conole <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 12:02:30 +1000
Thanks in advance if anyone can help .... I'm currently in the midst of a fauna 
survey near Cloncurry in NW Qld.  I've heard what I believe to be a 
Poecilodryas robin in a creekline here, and today I had abut 30 seconds with a 
recently fledged robin which on size & general morphology I think is a 
Poecilodryas rather than a Petroica (or any other Petroicidae). Kind of like a 
gigantic Red-capped Robin brown bird - well bigger than a Brown Honeyeater 
anyhow, very robust/broad beak, frenetic tail-raising & dashing about the 
undergrowth; overall buff colour with two buff wing bars.

Can anyone scan & send me the HANZAB plumage description for Poecilodryas?


Lawrie Conole
30 Forest Street
Woodend, Vic 3442

03 5427 3550


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