Hi all
after having spent and interesting long weekend at Hawks Nest (NSW mid-North
Coast) on our way home today, just as we were leaving Hawks Nest, saw a
group of about 30 Fork Tailed Swifts - all flying quite low and the flock
well spread out. My first swifts this season, and good to see Fork Taileds
as well. (Time about 9:30 am; weather warm, cloudy with some sun, calm.)
Amongst plenty of other birds, I also saw Southern Emu Wrens (Limekilns Rd,
Tea Gardens and Winda Woppa Spit); immature Brahminy Kite (Bennetts Beach,
Hawks Nest); Satin & Leaden Flycatchers together, immature Brush Cuckoo,
Pheasant Coucal about 15 metres up a tree (Old Mine Rd, Myall Lakes NP);
male Regent Bowerbird (over open heath(!) near Dark Point, Myall Lakes NP).
Tom Wilson
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