Perhaps we ought to try this with Rainbow Lorikeets in the Top End!
on 19/8/11 8:34 AM, Chris Sanderson at wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I was slightly skeptical when I went to a talk on this topic by Martine
> Maron from the University of Queensland at the Birds Australia Southern
> Queensland conference earlier in the year. The science of it is really
> interesting though, removing Noisy Miners from a woodland patch allows much
> greater increases of bird diversity than fencing and feral control.
> Martine's personal research has shown that Noisy Miners are the greatest
> negative impact on woodland bird diversity in habitats where they occur, and
> combined with trials of Miner removal and it sounds like it could be another
> very useful tool to restoring woodlands. Sure, it would be great if we
> could afford to replant, fence and run feral control programs up the entire
> east coast, but given lack of funds, this may well be the best way to spend
> our conservation money in the short term.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 6:35 PM, michael norris
> <>wrote:
>> Interesting to see that Noisy Miners are proposed as a threatening process
>> in Victoria under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act.
>> See the 'preliminary recommendation' for a listing by the Scientific
>> Advisory Committee (Google for noisy miner and 'Flora and Fauna Guarantee').
>> I am open to changing my mind but this, to me, seems like fiddling while
>> Rome burns. The underlying reason why Noisy Miners affect threatened and
>> endangered species is habitat simplification by humans - and the habitat
>> simplification and, even more, the failure to respond to what is clear from
>> numerous studies and, further back still, the increasing disconnection
>> between people and nature are the really threatening processes.
>> That is evidenced by an item in The Age saying the Victorian State
>> Government is looking at diluting the F&FG Act because the location of
>> threatened species is getting in the way of logging!
>> must-stay-true-to-the-**environment-20110817-1iy5d.**html?skin=text-only<http
>> ://
>> ment-20110817-1iy5d.html?skin=text-only>
>> Michael Norris
>> Melbourne
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