Hello Peter,
As I drive around Western Victoria, I observe Common Mynas in Echuca but no
further West along the Murray Valley Hwy; on the Loddon Valley Hwy, I don't
see them until I pass Serpentine, but they are in all places south of there.
On the Mitiamo Road, they have reached Raywood but not Mitiamo, nor (I
think) Pyramid Hill. A few turned up in Kerang and Koondrook at the start
of this year, but they don't seem to have persisted.
Geoff Leslie
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 12:52:37 +1000
From: Peter Baitz <>
To: Birding Aus <>, Tim Mintern
Subject: Common Myna's
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
Afternoon All.
At present I am attempting a survey of Common Myna's in Western
Victoria/Eastern South Australia/Far West New South Wales.
I would be happy to hear of Myna's in these areas and approx numbers
off line.The information will be put to good use.
Peter Baitz
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