My Longlands Gap Golden Bowerbird was near the bower but had not started
decorating it yesterday. By then it is sure to. The closest, reliable
Cotton-Pygmy Goose site I am prepared to divulge is behind the caravan park
at Innot Hot Springs. They bred there this year and since then another two
pairs and some more young have arrived. By the end of September there will
be Cotton Pygmy Goose at Hastie Swamp on a year like this is my guess.
Of course I should not be giving you this information as then you'll not
take the post conference tour!
Check closer to the time.
From: "Dean Portelli" <>
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 5:43 PM
To: <>
Subject: RFI: Golden Bowerbird
Hi all,
I'm lucky enough to be visiting Cairns again this Sept-Oct for the AOC. I
have briefly seen a Golden Bowerbird male before but I really want to see
the bird much better, and at a bower would be awesome - it is pretty much
my only intended target on this trip.
Does anyone have advice about whether it would be better to visit Paluma
or Mt Hypipamee-Crater (if indeed either bower is still active - I think
so judging from past postings, but???). I'd also like to try photography,
so that may influence suitability.
Any help greatly appreciated.
If time permits (I'm happy spending hours watching one bird - particularly
a stunner like GBB) I'd like to search for Cotton Pygmy-Goose and Zitting
Cisticola (Townsville). So any suggestions here also welcome :-)
Happy birding (wish I was doing this more often!)
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