
Printable Bird Checklists Site Update

Subject: Printable Bird Checklists Site Update
From: Frank O'Connor <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 15:51:56 +0800

I just looked at the site http :// mentioned in Carl Clifford's email.  The concept is very good with IOC and Clements versions that include the scientific names, but the current site has problems.  The checklists for Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands as an example are certainly inaccurate.  Fair enough as they can only do whatever they are given.  They include species that have never been recorded there, and are missing many species that have been (but these are vagrants - so in the scheme of things that is not important as I would think that most people who would print out the list to use would be after the main resident species).  It doesn't mark Green Junglefowl as introduced, but I think that most people visiting Cocos would realise that, so again not a critical thing.  If I printed a list such as this, then I would want to know if the species was a vagrant, or whether I could expect to see it.

Who does give them the information?

And why do they have alphabetical versions of every list?  Alphabetical lists are awful.  They remind me of many of the national park checklists that DEC has in WA.  Families are spread all over the list. e.g. duck, hardhead, shoveler, teal, etc. or chat, friarbird, honeyeater, miner, wattlebird, etc.

Not certain how they would incorporate a C&B2008 list?  As this is only for one country (plus states and territories if they go that far).  Also, the sequence number is useful for a C&B list.  I am fairly certain there is a full C&B2008 list with species numbers on the Birds Australia web site, and I have a copy on my web site (without species numbers).  Look under Bird Lists (4th on the list).

By the way, I have an Excel spreadsheet with a column for each state and territory on my web site.  Look under Bird Lists (3rd on the list).  This includes the Scientific name and the species number.  It marks each vagrant species with with a "v" and comments for the records, and "I" for introduced, and "E" for extinct, etc.  I haven't updated it since about last Christmas, so there are quite a few records from this year that need to be added.

Frank O'Connor           Birding WA
Phone : (08) 9386 5694              Email :


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