Hi all,
A very quick note as I'm off to Canberra in an hour. We decided that Port
Stephens may have been a little too north for this bird, and with the good
weather we (me, Steve and Allan Richardson) took Steve's 16 foot tinny out to a
FAD (Fish Attracting Device) about 11 miles of Swansea, NSW. After seeing a
number of Fleshy-foots and a few Wilson's Stormies we were lucky enough to have
a Great Shearwater come up the wake of the boat and settle on the water next to
us, before we'd even cut the engine for a drift. The hunch paid off!
The bird seemed reasonably interested in the berley but was getting a hard time
from the Fleshies. The final straw was when a Fleshy attacked it whilst on the
water. He flew off and could not be found again.
We were surprised by the number of Wilson's Storm-Petrels - we must have had
close to a hundred through the day (0730-1130), with about 80 being the maximum
count down our slick at one time. Also present were about 80 Fleshy-foots /
Wedgies, a Black-browed and a Campbell Albatross, a couple of Yellow-noses and
handful of Pomarine Jaegers.
Who needs to go to the shelf!?
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