Hi all,
I don't know why everyone is so surprised and dismayed, it was all public
knowledge before the election. It happened here in Vic with cattle on the
highplains, a call for hunting feral animals in national parks, and we
already have a greatly increased duck hunting season. NSW will be the same
and I expect that Qld will follow as soon as the govt changes. The federal
ALP looks shaky too. In the US where I lived anyone out for a walk in the
woods had to wear a fluorescent jacket to try and avoid being shot at. Most
times it worked.
As the song says, times they are a changing. Sigh.
On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Geoffrey Jones <>wrote:
> Hey Dave
> Maybe we could all move to Alaska, I am sure that Sarah Palin and
> her Mob would look after us!
> Regard's " Tongue in cheek "
> Geoff Jones
> Barraimaging
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of David Stowe
> Sent: Wednesday, 13 April 2011 3:18 PM
> To: Carl Clifford
> Cc: Birding-Aus Aus
> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] If you go down to the woods, you may be in for a
> big surprise, or at least in NSW
> This is so depressing and horrifying!!
> Seems weird that on one hand they want to get rid of feral deer from NPs
> but
> then want to add more to game reserves!! Speaks volumes about their motives
> i think.
> Can't believe the images of the MP with a shot Elephant!
> I am seriously worried about the future. Seriously.
> Dave
> On 13/04/2011, at 11:14 AM, Carl Clifford wrote:
> The recent NSW elections, has given the Shooters and Fishers Party the
> casting vote in the NSW Upper House. See
> http://www.smh.com.au/environment/ofarrell-over-a-barrel-as-the-shooters-tak
> e-aim-20110412-1dcpm.html<http://www.smh.com.au/environment/ofarrell-over-a-barrel-as-the-shooters-take-aim-20110412-1dcpm.html>
> This means that for the Government will need the support of the S&FP to
> have
> legislation passed, which might not be supported by the Opposition. This
> will result in a good deal of quid pro quo. Among the quid that the S&FP
> want are; I. no more National or Marine Parks, 2. the right to shoot in 29
> National Parks, including Barrington Tops and Kosciusko NPs, and 3. private
> game reserves, which are hoped to be stocked with exotic game species ,
> such
> as various Antelope species.
> The NSW Premier says he won't be doing deals with the minor parties. That
> will make Legislating interesting.
> Carl Clifford
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