Birdline Western Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 20 Feb 2011.
Tue 15 Feb
Asian Dowitcher
Alfred Cove Park, Perth., Western Australia
One bird seen on sandbar just off nature reserve and rugby/football oval. Notes taken at time: wader slightly smaller than bar-tailed godwit present on same sandspit at time; very straight bill -shorter than godwit; obvious eye brow; dark legs; bill slightly bulbous towards tip, and; darker striations down front to lower chest. (1).
Michael Wood
Tue 8 Feb
Chinese and Japanese Sparrowhawk, Large Hawk Cuckoo and others
West, Horsburgh and Home Islands, Cocos-Keeling Islands
Amongst 50 species recorded on the Cocos Islands during a visit between 1-8 February a few interesting records were obtained. Eurasian Teal x1, Yellow Bittern x4, Black Bittern x1 (possibly new for Cocos), Cattle Egret x2, Intermediate Egret x2, Pond Heron sp. x1, Western Reef Egret 5+, Chinese Sparrowhawk 3+, Japanese Sparrowhawk x4, Watercock x7, Saunders's Tern x10, Crested Tern x1 (possibly new for Cocos), Large Hawk-Cuckoo x1, Indian Cuckoo x1 (new for Australia), Asian Koel x2, Dollarbird x1, Asian Brown Flycatcher x1 (new for Cocos).
Adrian Boyle, George Swann and Rohan Clarke
Wed 2 Feb
Indian Cuckoo
Quarantine Station, West Island, Cocos-Keeling Islands
An Indian Cuckoo (a first for Australia and its territories) was seen and photographed at the Quarantine Station on West Island, Cocos Keeling Islands. It doesn't appear that this bird was ever twitchable as Adrian Boyle, George Swann and Rohan Clarke revisited the site on a number of subsequent days but were never able to relocate it.
Rohan Clarke
| Birdline Western Australia is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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