Hi All,
When we moved to Northern NSW a couple of years ago, we found a fantastic house
in a reserve that prohibited any cat and dog ownership. What particularly sold
us on this house was the nesting pair of Bush Stone Curlews in the front garden
and for our first summer here we delighted in our expanding Stone Curlew
family. It was a dry summer and our yard seemed to have just the right
combination of shelter and water to satisfy a Stone Curlew family's whims.
Fast forward to this summer. We have had lots of rain. The Stone Curlews have
chosen to run their chicks around our surrounding wetlands instead of our
garden. In their place, a pair of Brush Turkeys have decided to use our garden
mulch to mound on the side of our driveway.
At first I thought that we wouldn't choose to fight this battle for fear of
complete and dire defeat at the hands of feathered marauders. Six weeks in and
the situation has changed. As much as we try to tidy up and keep our place in
some sort of order, it gets trashed again by our squatter Scrub Turkeys.
Our fight tactics have been as colourful and inventive as the birds themselves,
to the point where they now have their own blog!
So if any of you want to watch our engaged battle with Brush Turkeys or even
participate in the blog by sharing your own experiences with them, please join
me and follow the journey of Mr & Mrs Turd and, if they last that long, their
future turdlets!
All contributions welcome!!!
Inger Vandyke
Professional Wildlife Photographer and Writer
Expedition Leader - Heard Island Expedition (3 November - 7 December, 2011)
Assistant Publicity Officer - Southern Oceans Seabird Study Association (SOSSA)
Mob: 0402 286 437
Please join the Heard Island Expedition online
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