Birdline Central & Southern Queensland
Published sightings for the week ending 2 Jan 2011.
Sat 1 Jan
Spotless Crake
MInnippi Parklands
1seen and heard on boardwalk beside main lake
Stuart Pickering
Fri 31 Dec
Glossy Black-Cockatoo
Hinterland Regional Reserve - Gold Coast
Rather tame pair feeding low in Casuarina tree on main road by park entrance.
Niel Bruce
Thu 30 Dec
Long-billed Corella
A pair of birds showing interest in a hollow in a large gum tree nearby.
Coral Seaborn
Long-billed Corella
Samford - private property near the village.
At least 3 Long-billed Corellas came in to a bird-feeder - in company of 6 Little Corellas. A number of other corellas seemed to be hybrids of the 2 species - is that feasible?? (Editors note: Crossbreeding between closley related bird species is possible and their is certainly evidence of crossbreeding between these two species)
Brian & Meg Johnson
Wed 29 Dec
Brown Booby, Bridled Tern, Buller's Shearwater, Brown Noddy
North Stradbroke Island
Brown Booby: (2). Bridled Tern: (1) Buller's Shearwater: (1). Brown Noddy: (2), Pomarine & Artic Skuas, Wedge-tailed and Short-tailed Shearwaters during seawatch off Pt Lookout.
Colin Reid
Mon 27 Dec
Purple-crowned Lorikeet
Fig-tree Pocket
Single bird feeding on Banksia flowers with Rainbow, Musk and Little Lorikeets. This was in the park at the end of Michaelangelo Ct, beyond the dog exercise enclosure. Excellent view for over thirty seconds noting bright red underwing and pale blue breast clearly. Possible aviary escapee I guess as it seems well outside its range and I haven't been able to find any other reports from this area. (Editors Note: Most likely an escapee as distribution is far southern NSW and Victoria across to Western Australia)
Paul Watson (reported here by Chris Watson)
Fri 24 Dec
Powerful Owls
Gold Creek Resivour
Two young birds disturbed in thick trees along small creek in rain. Were calling to others which were heard responding but ran out of time to locate parents.
Chris Read
| Birdline Central & Southern Queensland is sponsored by Birds Australia Southern Queensland and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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