Hi All,
I should also add that it is quite easy to mail an annotated PDF via IAnnotate
so you can open it in another environment. You can even have a summarised
version of the comments.
If anyone is interested in knowing how to do this, please contact me
Inger Vandyke
Professional Wildlife Photographer and Writer
Expedition Leader - Heard Island Expedition (3 November - 7 December, 2011)
Assistant Publicity Officer - Southern Oceans Seabird Study Association (SOSSA)
Mob: 0402 286 437
Please join the Heard Island Expedition online
To: ;
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 16:14:47 +1100
Subject: ebooks
Is it true you can't make notes? I know pdf format supports some form of
annotation, and I thought I read that at least some hand held devices allow it,
although you can't necessarily transfer notes to another device, which makes
them of limited value.
I'd prefer paper copies, but the idea of being able to have several field
guides in a package lighter than the lightest of them is very attractive.
I got badly bogged in sand in Little Desert a few months ago, my first
experience of that. The jack just sank into the sand. I'm sure I could have
found something else to put under it somewhere in the car, but Slater was handy
and did a good job. An iPad might work just as well, but I doubt it would be as
usable afterwards.
Peter Shute
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