Then there was the time I was to be interviewed in the mangroves by ABC
television reporters on the Chestnut Rail. Somehow it ended up being a
piece on mining (of uranium, if I remember correctly).
However, it was a hoot. Imagine a presenter dressed in a white suit in the
mangroves. If that wasn't crazy enough, her miniskirt was so tight that she
couldn't part her knees to clamber over the prop roots.
Still, in spite of the ruckus, the whole crew got to see the rail!
on 8/11/10 12:50 PM, Jill Dening at wrote:
> Alan,
> I've been interviewed on many occasions by the local Sunshine Coast
> media about local shorebird matters, and on every occasion but one they
> have got vital things wrong. And I always take the trouble to explain
> the difficult details. I'd say on that basis that there'd have to be
> something out of kilter with a very large number of stories in the
> general media. I especially wonder about this when I am reading the
> business news, because it takes a bit of time and intellect to get your
> head around economic and business news.
> I used to wonder if my colleagues reading the stories quoting me thought
> I really said what is reported. Now I couldn't give a toss: nothing to
> be done about it.
> Jill Dening
> Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
> 26° 51' 41"S 152° 56' 00"E
> On 8/11/2010 12:27 PM, Alan McBride wrote:
>> Absolutely agree Keith. Knowing how they cock this sector up makes you wonder
>> about the rest of the "news"!
>> A
>> On 08/11/2010, at 13:25 , Keith Brandwood wrote:
>> They are mostly stupid in my opinion Alan, but by far it is that they are
>> ignorant of the facts and can not make the effort to find out. Obviously they
>> don't realize that there are a whole population of birdwatchers out there
>> reading their stories and thinking "what idiots" otherwise they would get it
>> right.