I had a look this afternoon and the Noddy showed really well for the hour or so
I was there between 12.30 to 1.30 p.m., perched on a rock (pretty much ignoring
several fishermen who were very close by it) and preening for quite a while,
and then foraging among the breakers.
> From:
> To:
> Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 09:34:40 +1000
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Black Noddy, Long Reef Sydney northern beaches 17 April
> Hi all
> after not seeing the Noddy during a very quick look last week on my way home
> from Warriewood (when the tide was completely wrong), I went and had another
> look this morning.
> The Black Noddy is still at Long Reef - at 7am this morning (17 April) it
> was fishing in the surf just off the seaward end of the reef. Also seen on
> the reef flat many Ruddy Turnstones & Red Necked Stint - at least 5 in
> breeding colours - 12 Sooty Oystercatchers, 1 Golden Plover, 20+ Double
> Banded Dotterel (Adults & Immature birds with buffy coloured heads) and 4
> Grey Tailed Tattler.
> The tide was high today at 10am or thereabouts so was coming in when I was
> there and was over the lowest parts of the reef flat as I left at 7:15, so I
> had to paddle back to land (I was expecting this and had my crummiest shoes
> on), so morning visits looking better over the next few days.
> Cheers
> Tom Wilson
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