A little more tinder ...
About three and a half years ago I was talking to a work colleague who
said he had seen Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos where he lived (Warrandyte).
I questioned the likelihood of seeing RTBC there and suggested Glossy's
might be an alternative. Not a lot to go on, but just a little more
anecdote to throw into the mix.
Harvey Perkins
Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 11:41:57 +1000
From: "Bill Stent" <>
Subject: Red-tailed Black Cockatoos in Beenak forest
To: "Tim Dolby" <>, "simon starr"
<>, "BA email"
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
It's odd. My sister has been swearing black and blue that she's seen
cockatoos with red tails at the Rosanna Parklands in Melbourne a few
ago. She's not sure if they were RTBCs or Glossies.
While I was there a couple of weeks ago after some Gang Gangs, I got
to a guy who lives in an adjoining property, and he gave me the same
One account is easy to discount, but two unrelated accounts becomes more
I'm assuming these are escapees. Rosanna isn't far from Bundoora.
From: "Tim Dolby" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 11:34 AM
To: "simon starr" <>; "BA email"
Subject: Red-tailed Black Cockatoos in Beenak forest
> Tom Fletcher sent me an email about a similar situation (see message
> below).
> Interestingly Tom also notes that RTBC turn up in Lorne from time to
> suggesting a possible isolated Otway population. Tom asks for any
> information. (I can find no records.) Tom's email is
> Cheers,
> Tim
> ________
> Hi Tim,
> You may like to pass this on through Birding Aus. When I lived at
> North, 3137, (for 23 years) during the 1980/90's people regularly
> to me a small flock of Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos. My son positively
> sighted this flock passing around Little Stringy Bark Creek in the
> In those days I unfortunately did not submit records as we do now.
> We lived on 10 acres and each morning at dawn, approx. 100
> B.C's would assemble at dawn on our fruit etc. trees adjoining our
> Many would feed on our back lawn. After working out their agenda for
> day they would then head off in all directions in flocks of about 6 to
> Although I personally did not record the Red-tails I am thoroughly
> convinced a small flock existed in the Yarra Valley/Dandenong's.
> A few records of Red-tails comes in from time to time from Lorne in
> Otways. If anyone can add to these records I would be most
> for the info.
> Regards,
> Tom
> -----Original Message-----
> From: on behalf of simon starr
> Sent: Thu 4/15/2010 9:02 AM
> To: BA email
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Red-tailed Black Cockatoos in Beenak forest
> As a slight aside to this, last spring I was showing some visiting
> American birders around the mallee. We had lunch at Lake Hattah and
> afterwards headed off back south to Wyperfeld. Along the way one of
> Americans asked me how common Red-tailed Black Cockatoos are here? as
> looking at the field guide he was surprised that he had seen one. He
> claimed that he had good views of one in the Red Gums there while we
> "off with the birds" in another direction. I can understand that he
> didn't mention it at the time. They were new to the country, seeing
> of new birds all the time ( especially cockatoos and parrots at Lake
> Hattah! ), this was just another one. I quizzed him quite extensively
> its hard to think of anything else it could have been. Needless to
say I
> was a bit miffed at missing out.
> It would seem likely that if this was one, this individual could have
> hailed from the Darling River population, and follows a sighting of
one in
> Mildura some time back. I guess we will never know.
> I cant add anything to the Beenak reports, other than to say that its
> long way from East Gippsland if they are Glossys, possibly more likely
> escaped pair of Red-tails that have nested ??
> Cheers,
> Simon Starr
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