Birdline Victoria
Published sightings for the week ending 11 Apr 2010.
Sun 11 Apr Scarlet Honeyeater Yarra at Burke Road, Ivanhoe
5-8 Scarlet Honeyeaters under pylons 100m upstream of River Yarra at
Burke Rd Bridge, Ivanhoe. Also 1 Flame Robin
Guy Dutson
Sat 10 Apr Scarlet Honeyeater Yarra at Burke Road
Two male Scarlet Honeyeaters in mistletoe in acacias 50m upstream of
Burke Road bridge over Yarra
Guy Dutson
Flame Robin (Female), Spotted Pardalotes Royal Park Parkville.
Female Flame robin in bush close to Trin Warren Tam-boore Wetland.
Chased off by the plentiful White Plumed HE's. Pair of Pardalotes in the
creek very close to the little bridge at the bottom of the valley on the
bike path that follows the train between Royal Park station and
Flemington Bridge station. Great view playing in the lower branches and
along the creek for over 10 minutes. First sighting here for me, have
heard only previously.
Matthew Frederiksen
Fri 9 Apr Eastern Spinebill, Silvereye, Spotted Pardalote,
Mistletoebird Royal Park, Parkville
Noticed a few autumn migrants for Royal Park turn up this week. Eastern
Spinebill in the old nursery site, Silvereye, Spotted Pardalote and
Mistletoebird along the bikepath on the hill near Trin Warren Tamboore.
Also a number of Pied Currawong chasing a Collared Sparrowhawk near the
Children's Hospital site and Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike not far away.
Nicole Spillane
Flame Robin Lake Victoria (Point Lonsdale)
At least 25 Flame Robins in scrub/farmland between Lake Vic. and the
sea. Presumably just come over from Tasmania. Lake Vic., Hooded (6
mature + 1 juvenile), Double Banded and (many) Red-capped Plovers, plus
Red-necked Stints in pre-breeding plumage, Curlew and Sharp-tailed
Sandpipers, Black-winged Stilts and other birds
Angus Hartshorn
Swift Parrots Golflinks Road Muckleford
First sighting for this year 10 Swifties in top of River Red Gum . They
have returned to the same site again
Debbie Worland
Thu 8 Apr Arctic Jaeger Pt Gellibrand, Williamstown
A single late(ish) pale morph Arctic Jaeger looking like the kid in the
candy shop was amongst a big feeding flock just offshore containing
amongst others over 150 Crested Tern and half a dozen juvie gannets
fresh out of creche. Great sight.
Steve Davidson
Brolga Lake Wendouree Ballarat
A pair of Brolga on the Lake near the rowing course could only see them
from the Loretta College side of the lake. Also of interest a sighting
of a Cockatiel at Mt Clear Monday. I saw these birds at Mt Clear this
time last year and thought it may have been an Aviary escapee but they
have returned again about the same time this year.
Colin David Johnson
Wed 7 Apr Emu Exford
4 emus seen in paddock on south side of Exford - Bacchus Marsh Road,
almost opposite Exford Primary School, about 10.00 am. A couple of
kilometres north of Eynesbury Forest. Walking slowly just inside fence.
Seemed to be feeding on boxthorn berries. Did not appear concerned about
vehicle stopping to take photos, so possible escapee birds.
Daryl Akers
Rufous Fantail Webb Dock, Port Melbourne
pm. seen by my colleague Warren Smith then myself, nowhere near any
forest (let alone moist forest) flitting around outside a warehouse,
then entered the warehouse briefly, possibly lost? did not appear to be
stressed. (1).
Peter Booth
Tue 6 Apr Striated Grasswren, Mallee Emu-wren Pink Lakes, Pioneer
Striated Grasswrens (3 or 4) gave good views in light rain. Also Mallee
Emu-wren 100 m along track. Plenty of fat Mulga Parrots as well.
James Dickson
Slender-billed Thornbill Little Desert National Park & Glenlee
Flora Reserve
Slender-billed Thornbill was seen at two sites in the Little Desert NP:
a single bird was seen along the Nhill-Harrow Rd at the corner of the
Dahlenburgs Mill Track (along with good numbers of White-backed
Swallow), and 3 birds near Salt Lake on the Salt Lake Track. At Glenlee
Flora Reserve (just north-east of Nhill on Nhill Jeparit Rd) Black
Honeyeater was recorded at the Nhill BOCA bird hide.
Tim Dolby & John Shute
Elegant Parrot Little Desert National Park
At least 5 Elegants in a group of about 30 neophemas along with at least
6 Blue-wings. Didn't establish what the rest where as they were quite
flighty. In the roadside heath vegetation.
Chris and Rosemary Lester
Pectoral Sandpiper Western Treatment Plant
Single bird at the borrow pits with Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. Spent some
time scanning Lake Borrie area but was unable to locate the Northern
Shoveler reported yesterday.
Scott Baker
Mon 5 Apr Slender-billed Thornbill Murrayville Track, Big Desert
3 in a mixed group with Inland Thornbill, Hooded and Red-capped Robins
and Shy Heathwrens.
Chris and Rosemary Lester
Swift Parrot, Scarlet Honeyeater Maryborough district,Vic
Spent Easter weekend just south of Paddys Ranges, where we saw over 40
species, including male and female Scarlet Honeyeater, Swift Parrots
(approx 4), Western Gerygone, Crested Bellbird, and Hooded Robin (pair).
Also did a trip to nearby Amherst Geological Reserve no.2 (Big Quartz
reef) where I flushed what I think was a young White-throated Nightjar.
J. Flack
Pied Butcherbird Bailieston
Pied Butcherbird heard singing loudly near Verges Lane,
Nagambie-Rushworth Road. Seen high in tree over paddock. Also
Olive-backed Oriole, many Restless Flycatchers, Yellow-tufted
Honeyeater, White-browed Babbler.
frank murphy
Beautiful Firetail, Pink Robin, Emuwren Breakfast Creek, Eastern
Wonderful Easter birding with Beautiful Firetail (1), Pink Robin (3
brown birds), Rufous Fantail(1) and Southern Emu-wren (numerous) in a
busy heathy patch.
John Newman
Orange-bellied Parrot Lake Connewarre
1 bird flushed from vicinity of saltmarsh and mainly dead Lignum and
live reeds to the west of outlet/delta on south side of lake (difficult
to access without a boat).
George Appleby
Swift Parrot, White-throated Needletail Bunyip State Park
A Swift Parrot heard calling in flight along Tynong Nth Rd near Poole
Rd; unfortunately not seen as below canopy height and moving rapidly.
Also some late White-throated Needletail seen in a group of at least 4
in a thermal over Towt Rd. Of some interest were several groups of
Buff-rumped Thornbill foraging in re-generating forest areas along Towt
Rd; possibly moving in as a result of habitat alteration due to fires??
Steve Davidson & Andrew Hurnard
Chestnut Quail-thrush, Southern Scrub-robin, Major Mitchell's
Cockatoo Raak Plains
A quick visit to Raak Plains, across from Hattah had highlights of 2
Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, Southern Scrub-robin and Chestnut
Quail-thrush. Will have to return with more time.
Tim Bawden
Northern Shoveler Lake Borrie, Western Treatment Plant
Adult male bird found by Bob & Russell Hughes during morning. Still
present in afternoon.
Joy Tansey & Helen O'Donnell
Northern Shoveler Lake Borrie, WTP
Found by Russell & Bob Hughes this morning, and again this afternoon
after a long search by Helen and I. Adult male. Other good birds were
White-winged Black Tern in near full breeding plumage, Little and Fairy
Terns, Black & Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Wood Sandpiper and a Flame Robin.
Joy Tansey & Helen O'Donnell
Flame Robin Wilson Reserve Ivanhoe
Brilliant male Flame Robin at northern end of billabong at 2.30 pm.
Moving around on dead willows - no sign of Azure Kingfisher reported at
same site.
Greg Buzza
Song Thrush Banyule Flats, Heidelberg
Single bird perched in top of dead tree on west side of south arm of dry
Billabong. Remained for some minutes. No calls heard.
Anthea Fleming
Painted Button-quail Bunyip State Park - Buttongrass Walk
Seen crossing the road and then stayed on side of road in full view.
Eventually flew away when approached on foot.
Bruce Wedderburn
Swift Parrot Puckapunyal, Central Victoria
Flock of six Swift Parrots in a variety of flowering gums in the Married
Quarter patch on the Puckapunyal Military Area. Calling loudly and being
chased by Musk Lorikeets and Red Wattlebirds. At least three juveniles
in the small flock. First ones in Pucka for this season.
Michael Kingsford
Sun 4 Apr Satin Flycatcher Chiltern
A single female along the Howlong Road, 1 km north of town. A rare
passage migrant here.
Sean Dooley
Beautiful Firetail Portland
Observed 6 beautiful Firetails in scrub beside sandy track leading off
gannet rookery rod at 4.00 p.m.
warren palmer.
Striated Heron Genoa River near Gipsy Point
Following up reports of Black Bitterns we took the boat trip along the
river and obtained photos (record shots) of an immature Striated. No
sign of Black Bittern.
P S Lansley, Scott Baker
Red-lored Whistler, Mallee Emu-wren Murray-Sunset NP
Pulled up on South Bore Track, !.5 km south of Pheeny's Track, and heard
2 Red-lored Whistlers. Got a look at the male, returned the next day and
got great views of the male, as well as 2 Mallee Emu-wrens (M and F) in
the same spot. Very happy with that, but generally birds were more
scarce than previous years. Also Shy Heathwren on Pheeny's track and
Peregrine Falcon near the Shearers Quarters
Michael Mack and Peter Braun
Swift Parrot 7km west of Talbot
One bird (maybe more) feeding in Grey Box blossom. Musk, Purple-crowned
and Little Lorikeets in area for last couple of weeks - Grey Box been
flowering prolifically, Red Ironbark just started, also flowering well.
Barb Williams
Sat 3 Apr Striated Heron (2) Genoa River near Gipsy Point
First an immature then later in day an adult seen
P S Lansley, Scott Baker
Southern Emu-wren, 3 species of ravens, Tawny-crowned
Honeyeater, Eastern Whipbird, Bassian Thrush Cape Liptrap/South
Walkerville turnoff
Two groups of Emu-wrens found. Got some OK photos. Also interesting to
find all 3 species of ravens in area, all identified by call. Australian
seemed to be most prevelant, also heard a small group of Little in South
Walkerville & a few Forest also flew past. Plenty of honeyeaters,
including Tawny-crowned. Heard Eastern Whipbird & Bassian Thrush
Kevin Bartram
White-bellied Sea-Eagle Wensleydale, Eastern Otways
Adult bird flying over farmland heading south towards coast.
John Newman
Scarlet Honeyeater Banyule Flats Reserve
One male still in same spot near old windmill as previously reported.
Dirk Tomsa
Southern Emu-Wren, Flame Robins Bunyip State Park
A group of 5 Southern Emu-Wrens observed on the Button Grass Nature
trail. Many Flame Robins met on their annual altidudinal migration to
lower slopes. Not a great shot of an Emu Wren but our first sighting of
this species.
Keith & Judy Humphreys
Rose Robin Barwon River, Geelong, from Highton to Fyansford
Single female, flitting flycatcher-like through low branches in bush
near Queens Park walkway on opposite side of river from golf course.
Very confiding, allowed excellent views, until two white-plumed
honeyeaters intervened to drive her off. (1).
John Watson
Little Eagle Gilpin Park, Brunswick
A Little Eagle was being persued by four Magpies over Gilpin Park this
Paul Jacobson and Nicole Spillane
Swift Parrot, Painted Honeyeater Boweya Forest
Excellent morning in the forest. Highlights was 2 Swift Parrots feeding
in flowering Mugga Ironbarks, and a young or female Painted Honeyeater
was also observed, very brown in colour. Lots of eucalypt flowering
happening with many friarbirds, honeyeaters and lorikeets also seen.
Bronzewing Birding Services
Fri 2 Apr Swift Parrot, Satin Flycatcher Chiltern
A flock of ten birds seen flying high over the forest about a km north
of the town. Also a single female Satin Flycatcher along the Howlong
Road, 1 km north of town. A rare passage migrant here.
Sean Dooley
Malleefowl, Striated Grasswren, Mallee Emu-wren Hattah-Kulkyne
National Park
Great long weekend at Hattah-Kulkyne, highlights included Malleefowl on
2 mornings on Nowingi Track, Mallee Emu-wrens in a number of spots on
Nowingi and Konardin and Striated Grasswren on Nowingi plus plenty of
other goodies
Tim Bawden
Bar-tailed Godwit Kororoit Creek Mouth, Altona
Single Bar-tailed Godwit seen briefly on sandbar before continuing along
the coast, possibly on passage. Also present on the sandbar were 6 Sooty
& 15 Pied Oystercatcher.
Steve Davidson
Great Crested Grebe Yan Yean Reservoir
2 pairs, both with young: one brood of 4 active chicks, off and on
parent's back; the other of at least 2 stayed on parent. One parent goes
fishing while the other does the child-minding. Close to bank north of
dam wall this morning.
Peter Bennet
Wed 31 Mar Eastern Reef Egret Wingan Inlet
Eastern Reef Egret: Dark morph.
William Paul
Sanderling, Hooded Plovers, Red-necked Stints, Double-banded
Plovers Point Impossible, near Torquay
One adult Sanderling in non-breeding plumage amongst dried sea weed on W
side of creek mouth at Pt. Impossible. Tide rising... and in same
vicinity; Hooded Plovers: two adults amongst dried sea weed; Red-necked
Stints: at least 20 birds (two or three birds with a hint of reddish
orange around neck and upper breast) along water's edge and amongst
dried sea weed; Double-banded Plovers: many, at least 30+ amongst dried
sea weed also on W side of creek mouth.
Craig Morley, Jim Austin, Louise Austin.
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