Birdline NSW
Published sightings for the week ending 28 Mar 2010.
Sun 28 Mar Freckled Duck Boomanoomana State Forest (near Mulwala)
Single Freckled Duck seen in wetland area at Boomanoomana SF, along
Mulwala - Baroonga Rd. Wetland invigorated, with water in ephemeral
waterbody near road. Also single Black Falcon circling wetland.
Tim Dolby
Azure Kingfisher Field of Mars Wildlife Reserve, East Ryde
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet: Flock of 6 flying over, first sighting in FOM,
but there has been a massive influx of this species in the local area
recently. Others heard. (6). Azure Kingfisher: Very excited to find this
beautiful specimen sitting in a casurina over the creek. Called, then
flew off down the creek. Buffalo Creek is very polluted, but I believe
(and hope) the kingfisher will stick around. (1).
Max Breckenridge
Sat 27 Mar White-bellied Storm-petrel, Streaked Shearwater, Tahiti
Petrel, Brown and Red-footed Boobies Pelagic off Port Stephens
Fantastic day off Port Stephens, with a clear highlight difficult to
judge. Singles of White-bellied Storm-petrel, Tahiti Petrel and
Providence (Solander's) Petrel plus both Brown and Red-footed Boobies. 2
Streaked Shearwaters behind the boat at the same time.
Mick Roderick and 13 others
White-faced Heron, Sooty Shearwater SOSSA Wollongong Pelagic
On the Wollongong pelagic with SOSSA aboard the 'Sandra K' today, the
whole boat-load of observers was stunned when a lone (& presumably
tired!) White-faced Heron flew toward us from the East just as we
arrived at the shelf-break! This was a definite 'first' according to our
leader Lindsay Smith. The other main highlight were apparently very
hungry Sooty Shearwaters diving for our offerings very near to the boat
- this behaviour involved at least a handfull of birds, as it happened
quite a few times over the day. Very nice to see them so close &
obliging. Other highlights were: several Providence Petrels including
1st year birds; high numbers of Great-winged Petrels (Grey-faced NZ race
'gouldi'); one Fluttering & 2 Hutton's Shearwaters; very good numbers of
Flesh-footed & Wedge-tailed Shearwaters; several Short-tailed
Shearwaters; and a handfull of both Shy (race 'cauta') & Black-browed
(Campbell NZ race 'impavida') Albatross, plus at least one adult
Yellow-nosed Albatross was seen a few times. A few Wilson's
Storm-petrels were seen on 2 occasions. A quiet day for pelagic rarities
but the high numbers of birds was great to see.
Martin Cachard
Common Sandpiper Shell Point, Botany Bay
The only sighting of Common Sandpiper in Botany Bay this year, as far as
I know. One bird was seen several times in this location last year. The
bird seen today either just blew in, or has been hiding out elsewhere!
Hazel Watson, Bob and Jenny Nicholls
Fri 26 Mar Red-capped Robin St Marys Property, Western Sydney
An adult male Red-capped Robin was seen and photographed near the
proposed Wianamatta Regional Park in St Mary's, western Sydney.
Henry Cook & Gina Barnett
Spotted Quail-thrush Ulladulla cell
One seen on Lemon Tree Road in the Termeil State Forest at about
mid-day, crossing the road at 35.44198s, 150.35941e (1).
Anthony Katon
Black-necked Stork Leneghans Flat, near Minmi, Lower Hunter
A single Black-necked Stork easily seen from Leneghans Road at 3.00pm.
This is my southernmost sighting of this species.
Roger McGovern
Little Lorikeet Moss Vale
Two birds flew over Seymour Park late morning. Only the second time I've
had this species in Moss Vale in over a year of living here.
Lorne Johnson
Wed 24 Mar Little Eagle Western Sydney Parklands, Doonside
My morning began with an unusual 'parrot' call, I went outside and found
a pair of escaped peachfaces, & later I heard a Little Lorikeet, a new
bird for my back yard. In the afternoon Noisy Miners alerted me to a
Brown Goshawk circling above the garden. It wasn't until I was cycling
to work along the Great Western Highway at 4.45 that I saw my bird of
the day, a Little Eagle perched in a tree at Eastern Creek.
Mark Fuller
Common Noddy Flat Rock, Ballina
Single Common Noddy resting on Flat Rock, late this afternoon. This is
the 4th Common Noddy I've seen in the local area in recent weeks.
Wandering Tattlers can still be seen at Flat Rock most days.
Steve McBride
Sun 21 Mar Australian Koel, Whistling Kite, Peregrine Falcon Moore
Park, Sydney
Male Koel still present towards end of the season. Also a Peregrine
Falcon and a Whistling Kite - latter is an uncommon visitor here. Large
flocks of Little Corellas have returned to the inner city for the annual
feed on Plane Trees including the trees around Central Station - many
seem to be roosting in Centennial Park.
Eric Finley
Sat 20 Mar Square-tailed Kite Woolgoolga
One fairly scruffy juvenile soaring over the main roundabout in the
centre of Woolgoolga on up-swept wings and being harrassed by Torresan
Crows. Sighted whilst stopped for lunch at the Rest Area.
June Harris
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren approx 1km E of Mogo Camp, Yengo NP
4 Chestnut-rumped Heathwrens were observed feeding with 5 Rockwarblers
on a rocky outcrop, along the ridge just east of Mogo Camp at 8am. Other
good birds seen on the ridge were a small flock of White-throated
Needletails, a pair of Dusky Woodswallows, plenty of Jacky Winters,
Rufous Whistlers, Little Lorikeets, Gang-gangs & Yellow-tailed
Black-Cockatoos, along with 10 species of honeyeaters, including several
White-cheeked Honeyeaters.
Martin Cachard
Thu 18 Mar Rufous Scrub-Bird Cottan Bimbang NP. Knodingbul Rd. off
Oxley H'way
One male calling in dense undergrowth. Positive ID on call after
watching a RSB calling in Werrikimbe NP for 20 minutes 2 days before. Is
this a new location for RSB ? (Moderator's Note: Possibly a new site,
they are known from Brushy Mountain, to the north-east of this site.AKM)
GPS co-ords: available on request.
June Harris
White-throated Needletail Ingleside,
15 or so over heath on walk from Ingleside to McCarr's Creek Road.
(Moderator's Comments: There are few reports of Needletails now coming
in, perhaps we are at the end of the season for them. however Margaret
Pointer reported 9 at Mangrove Mountain on 21/3. AKM)
Alan McBride
Mon 1 Mar Black Bittern, 3 Striated Herons Manly Lagoon
Found a Black Bittern at the lagoon today when I flushed it from
vegetation and it landed in the middle of the lagoon. It flew away after
being harrassed by Noisy Miners. Two adult striated herons were also
seen, (I have only ever seen one) and a Juvenile in a tree (proabably
their offspring).
Joshua Bergmark
Black Bittern Woronora River (bushland off Warrangaree Drive,
Woronora Heights), Outer SW Sydney Metro
Single Black Bittern spotted going about its business in dense mangrove
cover at the edge of a tidal creek where we were carrying out bush
regeneration work.
Emma Razeng
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