I'm a student at Reed College in Portland, OR, USA, looking to gain
experience banding / mist-netting this May / June / July. For several
years, my passion has been Australasian birds, and I'm hoping to get
some first hand experience with live-capture and monitoring in
anticipation of a research project later this winter. I have had some
(minimal) exposure to these techniques through the MAPS program in the
USA, but I'm really looking to expand my knowledge and skills with
more relevant Australasian bird families. I understand winter is down-
time for most banding programs, but I was I might be able to find a
position as an assistant to someone doing work sometime during the
time mentioned, whenever convenient. I am flexible for location as
well, and am happy to supply more information / a letter of
recommendation if need be.
Ethan Linck
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