I wonder if your gecko in Cooranbong may have been an Asian House. It seems
that they are steadily spreading. Here s a link to a Queensland Museum page on
them, with some fairly good photos. Did your gecko make any sounds? Probably
the best i.d. characteristic is their chuck-chuck-chuck-call. Colour is not
much help, as they can change colour during the day and by what they are
hanging out on. I have seen them in a food centre in Singapore, where one wall
of the centre was cream and the adjoining wall light green and the colour of
the populations of AHG on the walls matched the colour of the walls. I watched
the AHGs for some time to see if any crossed the colour boundaries, but they
didn't. At least the observations was a good excuse for a couple of long-necks
of Tiger beer while sitting under a fan.
Carl Clifford
On 14/02/2010, at 11:58 AM, Paul & Irene Osborn wrote:
> Carl,
> When we lived in Cooranbong, NSW we had a gecko sharing our house with us. To
> me, it looked exactly like the Gehyra dubia that we had seen in Queensland. I
> was unable to get a photo. Folk on this list suggested it was a Northern
> Dtella, but it didn't seem to fit that species in my view. I'm not sure what
> an Asian House Gecko is, but this may well have been one.
> Paul Osborn