Hi David and Peter,
I have been speculating on this topic since the rains fell last year. We
saw breeding Letterwings up the Birdsville in September, and I'm sure they
have bred in many more parts of their core range. I'd say it would take a
couple of years for the breeding cycle to really kick in (would need several
generations to mature and breed to start ramping up the numbers to irruption
status). In the past, Letterwings have spread out post-irruption to all
corners of the country - Anzac Parade in Darwin, Werribee STP in Melbourne,
and I know of at least one record near to Brisbane from a ways back. I
think its likely in a year or so that we will see Letterwing Kites move out
coastally somewhere in the country, but I would hate to guess where or when
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Peter Shute <> wrote:
> If that happens, what are the chances of them making it as far as Victoria?
> There was a mention of an irruption (or eruption?) of Grass Owls and
> Spotted Harriers up there today. I've been seeing more Spotted Harrier
> reports on the Vic Birdline lately, don't know if it could be related.
> I hope so, all three would be welcome to fly in front of my binoculars
> anytime.
> Peter Shute
> --------------------------
> Sent using BlackBerry