I will be in Sydney this weekend. Has there been any further sightings of
these Ruff? Also, would somebody please advise precisely where the Waterbird
Refuge is? I have been to Olympic Park once, via train, and had a bit of a
wander around, but didn't find a Waterbird Refuge - at least, nothing that I
recognised as such! Is it an area where there is no public access?
Frank Antram
-----Original message-----
From: "Stephen Ambrose"
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2009 06:18:41 +1100
To: "'BirdingAus'"
Subject: Ruff at Sydney Olympic Park
> I and two English birders (sorry, didn't catch their names) observed two
> Ruff on the eastern bank of the Waterbird Refuge at Sydney Olympic Park
> around 9 a.m. on Thursday, 3 December. I've not seen them since then,
> despite being at the wetland every day. Will have another look for them
> again today.
> My apologies for not reporting this sooner, but I've literally spent long
> hours over the last 4 days/nights at Sydney Olympic Park investigating if
> there were any significant disturbances to waterbirds from the V8 Telstra
> 500 Car Race.
> Stephen Ambrose
> Ryde, NSW
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