I'm looking for volunteer to help me with fieldwork for my PhD. I'm studying
plant responses to fire in mallee at Wollongong Uni. At the moment I am
looking for a volunteer to come with me to Tarawi Nature Reserve (far
western NSW) for 12 days from 14 - 25 September. I'd prefer to have someone
for the whole 12 days. However, I do already have someone who can commit to
20-25th, so if I can't find someone for the whole 12 days I'll take a
volunteer for 7 days from the 14-20 September.
The fieldwork will involve being outdoors for about 8 hours each day in the
gorgeous sand dunes of mallee country. The volunteer will need to help me
collect measurements and data. Walking very long distances shouldn't really
be required as I'm trying to choose the most accessible sites to save time
and effort. The accommodation is in old shearer's quarters on the station.
There is electricity and hot water and a kitchen with gas cooking and
heating, so it's quite comfortable.
I'll be driving from Canberra on monday the 14th to Mildura (9 hours) and
either staying a night there, or continuing to Tarawi (another 2.5 hours).
So ideally, I'll have a volunteer who can help me with the drive. Return
trip will be on friday the 25th, hoping to do it in one day, but may need to
stop somewhere. Petrol, accommodation and food will all be paid for. If
you’re not from Canberra but are interested, please get in touch with me as
I’m sure we can work something out, especially for people in the Sydney and
Melbourne regions.
The volunteer will have a great experience in a beautiful setting. There are
lots of beautiful wildlife to see especially birds and reptiles, including
some rare ones. Some of the more significant bird species found in the
region include the endangered Malleefowl, Regent Parrot, Black-eared Miner
and Red-lored Whistler and the vulnerable Grey Falcon, Shy Hylacola, Pied
Honeyeater, Gilberts Whistler, Chestnut Quail-thrush, Pink Cockatoo,
Purple-crowned Lorikeet, Striated Grasswren and Southern Scrub-robin.
I'm going to need lots of volunteers over the course of the next 3 years
both in western NSW, north western Victoria and the Eyre Peninsula in SA, so
get in touch with me if you'd like me to inform you of future dates for
fieldwork, when I know them. Plus I can give lots more info about my project
to anyone who's interested.
Please pass this info around to anyone you think may be interested.
My email is
kind regards,
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