I don't use either of them, but if you can import csv data into those
databases, yes you can.
From: Dave Torr
Sent: Thursday, 6 August 2009 11:43 AM
To: Troy Mutton
Subject: RE: Australian iPhone birding app
Any way to download the information into one of the main birding
databases such as Eremaea or Birdata?
2009/8/6 Troy Mutton <>
Hi everyone,
I installed this app last night, and for a few bucks it's pretty good.
Does exactly what it says on the box - ie: is a checklist with links to
other sources for further information.
You enter a location, it whacks on the gps reading of where you are to
that location, and automatically gives the sightings the time you were
there (or more accurately, when you started entering the information).
Type in the first few letters of the birds name and it narrows the list
to those birds with those letters anywhere in the name, select the one
you saw, and away you go.
If you put numbers of birds in (I do for more unusual ones, and just
rough estimates for more common types) you can click on the sighting in
the list and add numbers and any field notes.
What I do like about the name selection is if you know you're looking at
a (say) parrot, but can't remember the first part of the name, just type
in "parrot" and it will limit the list to birds with those words
appearing in their name (so the parrots and parrot-finches), and you can
jog your memory ("ahh - it *was* a Night Parrot I just saw!"). You can
also put in latin names, so if you know that what you're looking at is
an Anthochaera phrygia, you can type that in. There doesn't appear to be
a way to add any species - so if you're out on some distant territory
and discover a new species for Australia, it's probably not going to be
much chop. It looks as though it uses the C&B 2008 list.
The check list also gives you tallies of sightings - no good if you've
got years of records already (I can't see any way to import
information), but that's useful if you're starting out I suppose, or if
you're on a new trip.
I'll give it the first proper field test in a few weeks when I'm in
Brisbane for a conference, but if you are an iPhone user and want an
Australian birding tool, you might want to give this a shot.
From: Troy Mutton
Sent: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 11:13 AM
Subject: Australian iPhone birding app
Hi all,
Recently, my trusty old mobile journeyed on to Motorola heaven, so I
decided to upgrade to an iPhone. While looking for birding related apps,
I came across one that appears to have been released in the last week or
so - called "Birdsight Australia". Has anyone tried this out? Is it any
good? Doesn't seem to be a field guide as such, more a checklist with
cross-references to wiki, flickr etc.
It's made by naturalguides.com people, who's guide for America looks
pretty solid. But there isn't much info on their website about the
Australian app.
I have no financial interest in the app, I just stumbled across it last
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