Hi All,
Did a quick trip to Birdsville last week, some good birds seen were:
Black-faced & White-breasted Woodswallows at Farina
Mallee Ringnecks at Farina
Mating Wedgies at Derwent River Station, great close-up photos of male after
copulation as he still had wobbly legs and was in no hurry to fly off. The
female flew off straight after mating.
Black-fronted Dotterels at Mungerannie
3 Brolga, 1 immature 2 adults at Mungerannie
Great Egrets, Royal Spoonbills and 10 juvenile Nankeen Night Herons feeding
together on a falling muddy anabranch of the Diamantina River at Birdsville.
There were another 10 juvenile Nankeen Night Herons roosting in the lignums
at the edge of the river. A fantastic sight. Fairy Martins were flying to
and fro under the small bridge.
Zebra finches and Budgies were also seen in Birdsville.
White-winged Fairy-wrens and Chirruping Wedgebill in Parachilna.
Peter Pfeiffer
Earth Sciences Technician
School of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide SA 5001
ph: +61 8 82012212
fax: +61 8 82012676
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