Was just in the garden watering some plants (still hand watering in Mildura)
and watched a female Collared Sparrowhawk get mobbed by various birds including
a single White-breasted Woodswallow - they still haven't departed yet for
warmer climes.
While at Mungo NP (testing the kids camping) I also saw a pair of White-browed
Woodswallows near Belah Camp on the 12th - this seems reasonably late.
Other birds at Mungo included a Hobby at the Visitor's Centre, Major Mitchell's
Cockatoos, Spotted Nightjar, Tawny Frogmouth and Chestnut Quail-thrush around
Belah Camp and the usual assortment of species on the lakebed (White-backed
Swallow, Black-faced Woodswallow and Orange Chats probably the best).
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