On Saturday afternoon (Mar 21) we saw needletails as we travelled
between the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. It was amazing. They were
barely above the car, and we gasped at the wonderful views, brief
though they were. Numbers, I guess we saw at least a dozen. They were
probably not far north of Caboolture.
Jill Dening
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
26° 51' 41"S 152° 56' 00"E
Michael Tarburton wrote:
G'day readers
I have spent 8 of the last 16 days looking for Swifts in Victoria. Two
weeks ago I found them over several hundred kilometres in Gippsland but
in the last Week I have found them in only a restricted area.
Birdline Victoria reflects this trend with no reported sightings in the
last two weeks.
I am still not aware of any swift sightings from Tasmania for the
season that appears to be ending now. There certainly have not been
any on Birdline Tasmania.
I am still receiving a few records from the other states and because
after this season I want to make some real comparisons on changes in
numbers - I would appreciate receiving any recent sightings (with
approximations of numbers seen) anywhere in Aus but particularly in
Tassie & Vic.
Many thanks to all those who have helped in the past.
Cheers & happy birding to you all.
Mike T.
Michael Tarburton
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