Hi all
saw a party of 12 White Throated Needletails over my house (Bobbin Head Rd,
Turramurra, northern Sydney) today about 3:10pm. Fairly low down, mostly
"cruising" rather than fast flying. Conditions sunny, some cloud (not
stormy) and gentle northerly. All WTNTs as far as I could see.
Earlier (about 2pm) I had seen a mob of Welcome Swallows (about 30 birds)
feeding on something - they had formed quite a tight swarm of wheeling birds
(at first without bins I thought they were swifts until I worked out how
close they were and thus the size was all wrong) and followed whatever they
were feeding on for 10 minutes. There were leaves falling in the sky
through where the birds were, so I wondered if they were feeding on
something that had got caught up in an up draught elsewhere.
I don't often see groups of swallows like this from my house, so it was
interesting to watch.
Tom Wilson
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