As the person who came up with tic(k), I'm happy to be called senseless
- at least the joke doesn't smell.
L&L Knight wrote:
It's not senseless humour, Simon. It will be grist for the second
edition of Sean Dooley's A-Z tome.
On 06/03/2009, at 3:19 PM, Simon Mustoe wrote:
It's a no-brainer. A 'tick' of twitchers surely...a play on words
with the tick being an unconscious twitch as well as a new bird.
Good to see some senseless humour on the list.
Simon Mustoe.
> Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 11:16:21 +1100
> From:
> To: ;
> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Collective noun for an assembledge of
> Not sure that I speak for all those that were not able to make it
to Bundy but how about the collective "B*stard Birders", or "Birding
Buff's" - a play on words of course, "a gaggle of grippers", "Bundy
Buggers"......... the list would go on.
> Yours in all things "green"
> Regards
> John Harris
> President, Victorian Association for Environmental Education (VAEE)
> Manager, Environment and Sustainability
> Donvale Christian College
> 155 Tindals Rd Donvale 3111
> 03 9844 2471 Ext 217
> 0409 090 955
> >>> L&L Knight <> 6/03/2009 11:07 am >>>
> I have had an off-line suggestion of a "twittering of twitchers" for
> the collective noun. While BAussers are a relatively hip group, I
> didn't the sort of iPhone activity that would indicate extensive
> twittering (see if you are
> unfamiliar with a blogging phenomenon that may hit the twitching
> Please send your responses to the group so they can be archived for
> sociological posterity. [BAussers who are not interested in the
> subject can now delete all emails with this header].
> Regards, Laurie.
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: L&L Knight <>
> > Date: 6 March 2009 9:35:13 AM
> > To: Birding Aus <>
> > Subject: [Birding-Aus] Some Buffy Comments
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > I don't often run into large groups of birders like that [the
> > exceptions are tour groups, wader study groups and pelagic
> > boatloads]. I was wondering what the appropriate collective noun is
> > for a group of twitchers that forms in the vicinity of a rarite -
> > perhaps in a similar manner to the way a flock of seabirds forms
> > around a school of bait fish. Any suggestions?
> >
> > Regards, Laurie.
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