The question is "Do you agree with the decision to have a duck hunting season?"
I can't believe many people would interpret that as referring to the original
decision to impose seasons on duck hunting in Victoria, whenever that was,
rather than this year's decision. In any case, if people did think that then
it would probably just reverse the votes of both yes and no voters.
Peter Shute
wrote on Wednesday, 25 February 2009 1:02 PM:
> With a further 300 votes from when Peter checked the vote is
> still 58% in favour.
> However, as a friend pointed out to me, voting could be clouded by....
> "The thing is, it's not asking whether you're in favour of
> duck hunting, but whether you're in favour of a duck hunting
> SEASON, i.e., some people might think the question is asking
> whether, if there is duck hunting, it should be limited to
> only part of the year (so this is my position: there should
> be no duck hunting, but if there is duck hunting, yes, it
> should be limited to a season). It's a badly thought out
> question, but I trust the results of the poll aren't going to
> influence policy."
> Wendy Moore