I enjoyed reading all your responses. Thank you.
1. Women tend to have a more holistic view of birds and birding. Indeed,
some women insist on calling themselves birdwatchers rather than birders,
highlighting their wider perspective.
2. women are generally less obsessive than men, and more empathetic. They
are more likely to want to understand birds and learn about them.
Consequently they often pick up information about birds and habitat that men
don¹t. However, of course this is not set in concrete. There is some very
interesting research on the changing attitudes of men as they age.
3. There are more American women birders than men, although more men keep
4. Judging by the remarks I¹ve heard American women may see birding as
male-dominated and discriminatory. However, there is some research showing
that men like to have their partners participate. I suspect to some women
this may be the equivalent of being invited to play in a rugby match or
something equally masculine!
My PhD research should be complete by the end of this year.
on 5/2/09 8:21 AM, Dave Torr at wrote:
> Whilst not wishing to get into any gender debate, it is noticeable that on
> Tony Palliser's list
> (http://users.bigpond.net.au/palliser/pelagic/totals.html) the highest placed
> woman is at number 20. Many possibilities of course:
> Women don't keep lists
> Women aren't as obsessive as men at chasing rare birds
> There are not as many women birders
> They are too modest to post to Tony's list
> I will leave others to draw what conclusions they want from this
> observation....
> 2009/2/5 Wendy <>
>> Maybe,
>> but I'm with Denise. I was thinking the same thing when reading the message
>> she responded to. I do realize the term 'man' was used to mean 'HUman'.
>> Such pursuits do tend to be male dominated. Generally participating females
>> do so, I expect, mainly to share an interest with male partners et al
>> Wendy
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