Looks like a Wedge-tailed Eagle to me. Can't see the white 'windows' on the
wings which a Black-breasted Buzzard has and the tail looks too long (it
extends well beyond the wingtips in the shot where it's perched, whereas a
Black-breasted Buzzard's wingtips tend to extend further than the tail when
My 2 cents
John Graff
> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 16:00:37 +1000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Black-breasted Buzzard in Brisbane?
> Last Sunday, I came across what I am fairly sure is a Black-breasted Buzzard,
> on the Araucaria track at Enoggera Reservoir in Brisbane. From what I have
> read this species is unlikely to be spotted in Brisbane.
> Could someone double check my identification?
> http://gallery.me.com/scotch/100053
> Thanks Scott
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