On a number of occasions returning from work on dusk I have noticed one,
possibly two, Hobby's menacing a huge congregation of roosting Rainbow
Lorikeets (in suburban Newcastle). There are literally hundreds of raucous
Lorikeets coming
Several times I've watched Aus Hobbys for long periods in the late
afternoon/evening. Each time, they've spent extended periods (even hours)
harassing local birds with spectacular pursuits, interspersed with periods
of just sitting still on a conspicuous perch. Typically, these pursuits
would take some time, with extended chases and repeated attacks on the same
bird, and the birds pursued were typically things like Butcherbirds,
Magpies, large Honeyeaters etc - not things I thought likely to be food
items for a Hobby. It all looked like games to me. I've also seen Peregrines
"playing" with Northern (Common) Ravens for long periods in places where
both species were using updrafts from gentle slopes near the coast. Often
the "target" species would seem to get into the "games". They would easily
duck away from each stoop by the falcon, but then stay up in the air where
they remained vulnerable. It was as if they were perfectly aware of
everything the falcon was up to, but not afraid of it.
In the case of the Hobbies, these activites usually ended with a long period
of sitting still on their perches, then making a kill of something smaller
(eg Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, House Sparrow, Yellow-winged Honeyeater). The
actual kill, when it happened, was very quick - the Hobby making a fast dash
out from its perch and returning with prey which was then slowly eaten. No
prolonged chases - and it didn't even look like the prey had any idea what
hit them.
Cheers, Chris Corben.
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