Again: Sorry for the late post:
Royal NP Friday, 20 June, with my brother Christian. Mount Bass Fire Trail
(MB), Wattamolla (WM), Lady Carrington Drive South (LC-S), Lady Carrington
Drive North (LC-N). Total: 57 bird species, here some "highlights":
Prion spec. several WM
Fluttering Shearwater several WM
Black-browed Albatross 5 WM
Yellow-nosed Albatross 1 WM
Australasian Gannet many WM
Darter 1 (on the way home)
Brown Falcon 1 MB
Nankeen Kestrel 1 MB
Topknot Pigeon 2 LC-S
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo 200 MB (in one noisy flock)
Little Corella 20 LC-N
Eastern Rosella 2 LC-N
Fantailed Cuckoo 1 LC-S
Azure Kingfisher 1 LC-N
Superb Lyrebird 1 LC-S
Southern Emu-Wren many heard at MB
White-eared HE 1 MB
Tawny-crowned HE 10+ MB, 1 WM
Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike 15 MB
Satin Bowerbird 10 LC-N
Beautiful Firetail 1 MB
Nikolas Haass
Sydney, NSW
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