Is there much rice still grown with the lack of water?
On 20/11/2007, Andrew Taylor <> wrote:On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 02:54:30PM +1100, Evan Beaver wrote: > Have we banned duck hunting in Australia yet? Who's working on making it happen?
Its largely under the control of the states. NSW has not had a recreational duck hunting since 1995. I think strictly NSW open seasons were suspended in 1995, the suspension reviewed in 2000 and the defacto
ban made permanent by the minister in 2005? I gather Beattie passed a ban in 2005 in Qld and WA has no hunting since 1990. The drought has temporarily prevented hunting in SA and Victoria which are now the state
were most hunting occurs. I would guess we'll see bans in other states over the next decade. Hunters still kill ducks in NSW under licenses given to farmers to reduce ducks interference with agriculture -
particularly rice farming - not sure how many ducks are killed under such licenses.
Andrew ===============================
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