Hi All,
A colleague here is interested in possibly finding some feral
junglefowl populations to work on. Does anyone know of the status of
any feral (presumably red?) junglefowl pops here in Oz? Is there a
population still present on Heron island or the NW Islands of the
Capricorn group? HANZAB also mentions Goat Is in Sydney, are there
still any there?
If there are none in Australia whrere would be the closest and most
easily accessible spots in SE Asia to find either red or green
Strange as it may seem, despite the bucket loads of research done on
caged chooks, little work has been done in the field to 'ground
truth' much of the conclusions.
Many thanks in advance,
Dr. Paul G. McDonald
Centre for the Integrative Study of Animal Behaviour
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109
Ph: +612 9850 9232 Fax: +612 9850 9231
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