Thanks to everyone who responded to my recent RFI for Chiltern.
Spent an afternoon out there, first visiting Honeyeater Dam which had lots of
Yellow-tufted HE and not much else. A White-winged Triller was seen on the road
into the national park, as well as numerous Rufous Song-larks and possibly a
Spotted Harrier in the distance.
Next was a visit to Bartley's Paddock, where we saw a Crested Shrike-tit
between the road and paddock. In the regenerating acacias were numerous
Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoos.
A visit to No1 and 2 dams rewarded us with an unexpected amount of water! No1
dam had a few shovelers & pink-ears amongst other ducks. Two black-fronted
dotterels were looking superb in breeding plumage. As the afternoon wore on, a
few white-breasted woodswallows started hanging around whilst red-rumps were
busy inspecting a number of hollows.
No2 dam had lots of black-fronted dotterels, a shelduck, white-browed babblers,
and various ducks.
A yellow-billed spoonbill was hanging about a small pond besides the road
between dams.
Listening out on dusk for Barking Owls resulted with nothing other than some
concerned galahs and magpies when a pair of Brown Falcons arrived in to roost.
My few days at the CSU campus just out of town was spent amongst numerous
red-rumps and eastern rosellas, with a few yellow rosellas hanging about.
My quest for tree sparrows was successful after some brainstorming resulting in
a visit to Bunnings!
The final day was spent at Mungo swamp just west of town, where a number of
raptors were seen (White-bellied Sea-eagle, Whistling Kite, Swamp Harrier),
yellow-rosellas, lots of ducks including shovelers, pink-ears, and musks. A
Brown Treecreeper was present as well as a pair of Crested Shrike-tits.
I think thats about it!
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