Many years ago they always used to be alongside the old runway s.e.
side (before the third runway was built). We used to see them when we
went to the Old Cooks Rivermouth estuary from Hale St Botany. Not
surprised they are still there really.
Alan McBride
Birding Guide +
Be green and read from the screen
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On 21/08/2007, at 15:45 , Peter Ewin wrote:
I have just flown into Sydney for the day from Mildura (yes it is a
long day). while taxi-ing to the terminal this morning I noticed a
bird behaving very like a Skylark. My question does anyone have any
info on these birds at Kingsford Smith Airport. I know they are at
Maroubra - are they at any of the eastern suburbs areas (like East
Lakes). Also saw Pipits, but this one bird was doing a display flight
much like I have seen Skyalrks do at sites both in and outside
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