Here, here. Border Ranges is one of the few places left in NSW where there
still are relatively pure Dingoes, and so they need to be protected
(particularly from hybridising with feral dogs) not persecuted. There have
been several attempts to get Dingoes listed as a Threatened Species in NSW,
but there are all sorts of issues with "wild dogs" being a feral animal.
From: "Greg" <>
To: "Charles Hunter" <>,"Lorne Johnson"
<>, <>
Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] NORTHERN NSW BIRDS
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 15:26:21 +1000
Hi Charles,
I am surprised at your reaction to a Dingo behaving in a natural manner.
Rather than killing Dingos we should be protecting them They are in
serious trouble, particularly due to crossbreeding with feral dogs. It has
been shown that Dingos prey on feral cats and foxes and their predations do
not usually wipe out native species, as cats and foxes can.
I will forward you a recent transcript of the Science Show on Radio
National where this issue was discussed.
Greg Clancy